Let’s get you space. Let’s get you ease. Let’s get you power.
Let’s get you your life.
Coming in 2022, a self-led immersive course to help you figure out what you want and take the first steps to getting there. Field notes, maps and excursions await to take you towards a life that’s true, a life that’s yours - a life worth living.
Do Your Thing
Do Your Thing is a package of templates, worksheets, pep talks and prompts to help you start, continue and finish Your Thing. Whether you have a business or not, Do Your Thing is a structure to help you take the Thing in your head that’s been nagging you and bring it into existence. In spite of the fear, the what if’s, the am-I-good-enough’s - you’re finally going to Do Your Thing.
Focused, practical workbooks to replenish your supplies on the journey. Whether you need a new way to place or to connect with your purpose, find a Kit that will help you on your way.
“…working with Kayte was like speaking with a really smart and intuitive friend! Kayte made me feel so comfortable that working out what I was really stuck on, anxious about, or decisions I was grappling with safe to bring up, talk through, and ultimately walk away feeling unstuck, decisive, and capable.”
Jamie Sabot
Grounded Sage
James & Jo Melia
The Melias
“We needed more clear direction in our business, more confidence in our abilities and this is exactly what we got working with Kayte, as well as learning how to be us. Kayte is clear and concise, and inspirational in a practical way…”
“…thank you again for guiding me forward with this, I knew it was something I wanted but I didn’t know how badly I actually needed it. I’ve been feeling so muddled for such a long time for the direction we should take and now that part is taken care of all of the other dots are starting to click into place.“